I can't dance (or design)

That's not entirely true, I've always been told I'm a natural dancer and as with many things the more I drink the better I get. To a point. There's that sweet spot when you're drinking where everything is in perfect balance - you've had just enough alcohol, that's been absorbed just right that allows you to let loose and just get on with being incredible.

Ok, I've lost track of the point of this post... Oh wait, got it. I can't dance, well, really I can't design. I definitely can't design. But I know what I like when I see it. And I can be incredibly picky when it comes to usability. My first real programming job was for a small startup back in New Zealand. We built touchscreen point-of-sales and I have to say, came up with some great interactions (these were the pre-iPhone days so there weren't many good examples around). One of the founders was a decent designer and a usability freak. Working in a small team of great people for years, things rub off. Unfortunately I didn't get any better at design.

So now Escape Velocity needs a logo and as much as I know I could just get out the old Clipart rocket ship it needs to look professional.

Clipart's great, right?

I've used 99designs before to get a logo (checkout TestLabs - not bad!) and I've used it to get a great image of superafroman, who one day might get made in to a game. So it makes sense to head over there again and run a competition for EV. Check it out here and if you know any good designers feel free to pass it around!

superafroman, isn't he dreamy?

Soundtrack for the morning (it's not Genesis)